22r temperature gauge/sensor


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2005
Raleigh NC
My temp gauge is not working and I've looked around and found two plugs...the green one is hooked up, the brown one is not. I bought a new temp sensor and I think I know where it goes, but wanted to get some feedback. it looks as though the brown connection hasn;t been hooked up in a while...but can anyone tell me what is going on with the connection that is to the right of the green connector? This is all on top of the thermostat housing.




this is the gauge that I got...can this be made to work?...they had one that cost $50....this one cost $14.


also, while looking around, I noticed two vacume lines that have been closed off with screws, and I did not see where they would connect. This ok?


yesterday I unscrewd the plug with the green connector and the one that appears to be broken off...the green one appeared to be some type of sensor, and the one that is broken off just looked to be a plug for the hole. I replaced the green connector with the sender I bought, but nothing changed.
the vacuum lines go to that broke piece right in front of them. That piece is a temperature activated vacuum switch. and as far as the temp gauge goes you need to put power to the gauge and make sure that it is still good. my temp and oil pressure gauges went bad. a put some little 1 3/4" gauges in it and done away with the factory gauges.
yea....i think the gauge in the cluster may be bad. I switched to an SR5 cluster about a year ago, and I believe the temp gauge worked on my old cluster. Do those vacume lines have to be hooked up for the gauge to work? I ask this becuase those vacume lines have been plugged ever since I've had the truck and at one point I had a working temp gauge. So the green plug has nothing to do with the temp gauge? I looked at some other sites and I thought I read that it did.
