231J transfer case engaging when at 55MPH in 2WD


Active Member
May 30, 2007
monroe, north carolina
My NP321J transfer case came out of an 89 XJ and now is in my 91 YJ. I had a thrashing noising while driving at speed so after running the Jeep on jack stands I found that the transfer case is partially engaging while in 2WD at about 55MPH. Any one had this problem??
I don't think this will be your problem but just in case. When I put my SYE kit w/bearing and seal preinstalled in the tail housing by Tom Woods, my ZJ seemed to be engaging 4wd at slow speeds by itself. Turns out after myself and then Chase trying to find the problem it was missing the snap ring that holds the bearing in place in the tail housing. The main shaft was moving back and fourth causing the problem intermittently.