24 Hours of Uwharrie opportunity. May 14th


Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
Mar 18, 2005
Reidsville, North Carolina
I was just offered free entry for the Trail Blazers for a 2 man team entry for the 24 Hours of Uwharrie event happening May 14th. If you are a CTB member interested in competing the reach out and I'll let John Eller know.
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This is the only thing I can find on the innerwebs but it says it's in may.

This is the only thing I can find on the innerwebs but it says it's in may.
That's what I found too. But not sure it's the same thing.
If it is this event it involves a whole array of different things. You also can't have over a 39 inch tire

This is the only thing I can find on the innerwebs but it says it's in may.
Very likely I'm wrong on the dates, got too many events I'm trying to keep up with. I knew it conflicted with a ride I have.
Does anyone own a canoe that the participants could borrow since that is required?

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