2700 year old "stash" found in China

"The company operates a cannabis-testing laboratory at a secret location in southern England to monitor crop quality for producing Sativex, and allowed Russo use of the facility for tests on 11 grams of the tomb cannabis."

Of course.
Hahaha... "tests".
11 grams is a lotta weed for "testing!" Not only that, but it's mummy weed!

Oooh! Contest idea. Who can come up with the best stoner name for the postmortem pot? My entry, should be easy to beat. "Ramses the Dank." :D
my neighbor calls the diggity; "rare Egyptian tomb weed'. guess this would be the 'old ass Chinese tomb weed', huh?
11 grams is a lotta weed for "testing!" Not only that, but it's mummy weed!
Oooh! Contest idea. Who can come up with the best stoner name for the postmortem pot? My entry, should be easy to beat. "Ramses the Dank." :D
"The shit that killed the Confuscious"
Confuscious says...''Man who stand on toilet.........high on pot''
You beat me to it!

Confuscious also says: Man who walk through airport turnstile sideways is going to Bangkok.
"Man who go to sleep with itchy ass......wake up with smelly finger"
"Woman who put man in dog house; soon find him in cat house"
11 grams is a lotta weed for "testing!" Not only that, but it's mummy weed!
Oooh! Contest idea. Who can come up with the best stoner name for the postmortem pot? My entry, should be easy to beat. "Ramses the Dank." :D


11 grams is only .39 oz, and I'd bet that includes stems, seeds, and everything else that isn't any useful for "testing"....

back in college that much wouldn't have lasted through a weekend :huggy:

"State of pregnancy exist when woman takes seriously something poked in fun."

and my favorite,
"Man trapped in brothel get jerked around."
11 grams is only .39 oz, and I'd bet that includes stems, seeds, and everything else that isn't any useful for "testing"....
back in college that much wouldn't have lasted through a weekend :huggy:
"State of pregnancy exist when woman takes seriously something poked in fun."
and my favorite,
"Man trapped in brothel get jerked around."
Noone even mentioned if it was a zip-lock bag or a regular sandwich bag......I've heard they weigh different.
11 grams is only .39 oz, and I'd bet that includes stems, seeds, and everything else that isn't any useful for "testing"....
back in college that much wouldn't have lasted through a weekend :huggy:
"State of pregnancy exist when woman takes seriously something poked in fun."
and my favorite,
"Man trapped in brothel get jerked around."

Yeah. I'm a pantywaist when it comes to the smoky stuff. Not all of us made it a goal to develop a tolerance in our more formidable years. Still, where I was from, a fat qtr was 8 or 9 g's. These "testers" must be on a more professional level than I ever achieved. Maybe if I had gone to a "real" college, I could have developed those skills. :huggy:
11 grams is a lotta weed for "testing!" Not only that, but it's mummy weed!
Oooh! Contest idea. Who can come up with the best stoner name for the postmortem pot? My entry, should be easy to beat. "Ramses the Dank." :D
Scraped out from Blackbeards fingernails...
The sh!t that finally killed Elvis
Sensimilla is the full word (Sensi).