3.4 Head gasket


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2007
Holly Springs,NC
Anyone have experience with Toyota 3400 (3.4) headgasket failure.Really looking to get an idea of how much $$$ this should cost.And someone who knows what there doing.No water in oil,yet.Thanks in advance.
Never even heard of head gasket failure with the 3.4. Did you overheat it?
I bought it like this.I drove it about 45 mins home.It ran fine Slight skip at idle and starting off.temp never got over half.Filled it up with water before leaving and once at the gas station.I think it has to be the HG, it smoked white,untill the water was all gone.Thats the prob Im running into,the few people I trust to work on my rides have never heard of a bad 3.4 HG.Thinking about trying the headgasket in a bottle method.Has anyone else ever tried it.I used it once on an old beater car and worked perfectly.Engine has 240k on it so worst case I guess Ill just swap it.
my buddy's father had a 3.4 that had head gasket issues, used K&W block sealer, ran for another 175K or so until the guy traded it in on cash for clunkers.

He recommends keeping the block sealer in the motor for longer than it says on the bottle. If you do this, make sure your radiator stays completely full.
Toyota actually had a recall some years back on the 3.4 head gaskets. Both of mine were replaced. Don't remember the details.
Yea, the recall was on the early ones ('96) maybe '97.
Thanks for all the advice.Gonna try the head gasket in a bottle tommorow.Let you all know h0w it works.