350 overheating help!


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2007
i have an 87 chevy k10 with a 350 the engine overheated on me i have replaced the radiator water pump and the thermostat the engine runs hot but the top radiator hose is cool and almosost no pressure the motor got up to 260 degress i figure at 260 the antifreeze should almost be boliling but i popped the top and the antifreeze was still cool i even took top radiator hose off of gooseneck and no antifreeze coming out with truck running this makes absolutely no sense because if i replaced everyyhing why is there no antifreeze flowing through the engine anybody ever ran into this problem or have any idea? i dont think its a head gasket cause its not smoking or water in oil
Make sure the water pump is the right rotation. GM made pumps run both clockwise and counter clockwise. Good luck
X2 on both. Buy a fitting and bypass heater core n see if fixes problem. Then check water pump
I can remove thermostat and the pump circulates fine ive tried two 180 degree thermostats and none of them will open for coolant to flow idk weird to me lol
Ive had tons of chevys with problems like this true most of them has been mud trucks but what i have done on all of mine is cut the guts out of the thermostat. It will slow the coolant down enough to cool the motor but will also build enough heat to keep the heater blowing hot. Even done this on our big block rollback and in middle of summer with A/C wide open it still never get above 210
The thermostat isn't in backwards I done think its put in same way as old one with spring inside intake flat part on top
Clockwise or counter clockwise?

if standard Vbelt, you will be turning clockwise. Same as crank

if running serpentine belt ( multi V rib) and the smooth side is on the WP pulley, it'll turn counter clockwise.
for serp system, WP pulley should be smooth with no grooves for belt, as the back side of the belt will turn the pulley.

most GM serp systems, the belt comes off the right side of crank pulley ( V rib in pulley ) back (smooth) to left side of WP pulley around and back over to PS pulley again V rib into pulley then up to AC or Alt approx 75% of WP pulley will have belt around it.

That being said, either WP will bolt up to engine, SERP belt pump "should" have threaded end on shaft flange to thread fan onto