350 putters after shut off

I think you have a blown head gasket or cracked head/block between 5 and 7
Possible blown gasket between 5&7. Leak down test with plugs out will prove or disprove. Just replied and didn't see Rons post. Force air in 5 @ tdc with 7 plug out and see if air comes out 7, and vice versa. You could back off the rocker arms if you feel like doing that instead of positioning @ tdc
I dont have oil in my coolent just did a water pump the other day
It can go either way,. Can also go water into combustion chamber which evaporates under combustion.

Would also explain why that cylinder was over temp and dieseling
Echo, echo, echo...

What @Ron and @a_kelley said... I think that low reading between 5 and 7 is awful suspect of a blown gasket.
i did the test and this is what i got 1/125/2/122/3/150/4/120/5///90///6/120/7///80///8/119/. what yall think

I 4th what the others said...you don’t want more than 10% between the highest and lowest reading. Were these wet or dry readings??? #3 tells me dry. Try again with a little oil in each cylinder, just to confirm that 5 and 7, you should see 3 come back in line with the others. You’ll more than likely get the same results and thusly a head gasket, but I’d wanna know what’s going on with 3.
Do yall think i might have a head gasket leak between 5 and 7. If so will it hurt to run for another week or so till i get one
I (and probably others replying here) figured you were joking in #34. The funny part is that if you've seen it...there are some here that will have things gently suggested by many, then some jackass ('tis I) will go on a quoting spree to keep track of how many times it's been suggested...Glad you've got a sense of humor!

On one hand, I'd say "it's run this long," but on the other...you just never know. If you don't have coolant in your oil, or oil in your coolant...chances are you're not swapping fluids. But, it could still be doing nasty things with your cylinders, so don't quote me on the "it's run this long..." I'd get a set of cylinder head gaskets, intake gaskets, exhaust manifold gaskets, and re-seal that top end, though.

Then starts the "well, I've already got it apart this far" thoughts. Maybe I won't plant that seed. Yet. :D
yea i dont mind a joke. and theres no seed plantd here the truck is my only ride so its got to be a fast job