37s on a 14-bolt?


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
Been thinking about my options since it is time to buy tires for my jeep. I had planned on running a 39.5 or 40" tire since I will be racing b-class ECORS, but I am beginning to second guess that.

I am starting to think that a smaller tire would afford me some speed and agility that i would be giving up with a 40" tire. I also don't currently have the gearing that I would need for a larger tire(4.10)

Would a modest shave be enough to help me run a 37 or 38, or am I just asking to get hung up constantly? I know that axle is a boat anchor.
I would take the old trusty grinder and do a little shaving on the bottom, just so you don't have an edge to snag on.
vetteboy on pirate is running 37s on a 14b and afaik, he really hasnt had any issues with hanging up worth noting. as stated above, id shave that lip off tho.
I plan to shave the lip, but not get extreme with cutting into the housing like some people do. Also plan on a pinion guard.

It looks like I may just go with my gut and run the 39.5s anyway :)
But its good to hear that it must not be a terrible setup if people run it.
it also really depends on the tire some 40's are 37's and vice versa!
i'd get 40's if it were me.
I believe part of the issue is local selection and the timeframe we are working within for the 3/20 ECORS race.