3rd gen 4runner manual hub help


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2009
Marion, NC
Just bought a 2000 4runner that’s been swapped over to manual hubs. Bought it knowing it needed a wheel bearing but didn’t inspect it too closely. PO said he had passenger wheel bearing replaced, but it looks to me like instead of replacing the bearing, they swapped out the whole spindle with a non manual hub spindle and put the manual hubs on them. Notice the missing hub studs below :rolleyes:

Trying to figure out my best solution (cheapest) to get back to a manual hub. Should I just swap out the whole spindle with a junkyard piece or can I press out the automatic hubs and replace with manual hub parts.

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You'll need to pull everything apart to see what you have. Nothing between the manual hub spindles and the "auto" hub is the same if memory serves me correctly. The CV shafts are different spline count and the manual hub has an actual spindle where as the auto version is press in unit bearing style.

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only 95-04 Tacomas had manual hubs, the bearing is the same, the hub flange is different from 2wd or 4wd ADD.

the axle shaft (outer) is different from ADD and Manual hub as well. the hub itself is hollow with a bushing, the hub assembly is held together with a nut on the back side like a 2wd hub, the manual lockout hub splines to the axle, the axle itself floats in the hub.

on ADD the axle outer is splined to the hub flange with a nut holding axle and bearing tight in center of flange like a FWD car.

the hub bearing has to be pressed onto hub flange and also into spindle assemble, is retained in spindle by large snap ring. its a job to change, i had to fab a fixture to be able to press everything apart. with the fab it took better part of a day to replace bearing.

FINDING Manual hub Tacoma parts is like hunting hens teeth, i'd like to do this to my '97 but soon as who ever is parting out a Tacoma figures out how sought after the parts are, they become gold.
I've got a trail gear front hanger for a SAS sitting on the shelf.......sounds like its a more viable option than those elusive locking Tacoma hubs :D