3vz-e starter issue????


New Member
Nov 29, 2006
I may have just wasted $100. on a new starter. After replacing it once in a while it still pauses before turning over, or i have to turn the key multiple times. It always eventually starts, but it is a pain in the @$$.

I believe Yota uses a starter relay? May also be ignition switch but that would be low on my list of possibilities. Could also be a borderline neutral safety switch (auto) or clutch switch under dash if a 5 speed.

Best of luck with problem. :beer:
I believe that the ignition switch is a common problem on these vehicles, I have read many folks having issues w/ the contacts. I bet 4Crawler.com has info on it.
Also, did you get an AutoZone reman? Apparently they are terrible, many people have issues w/ them dying fast. I'm on my 3rd one now, I'm fairly sure the 3vze uses the same unit as the 22re, what I have.
i am pretty sure v6 starter have bigger contacts but that is the only difference. if you only spent a $100 chances are it came from advance or autzone and your right you just waisted a $100 they aint worth shit. ususally toyota starters contacts go back easily rebuildable. AA an the zone have their shit reman'd in mexico by some shably paid women. the soleniods are what is junk. it could be thatyou cables are just bad, bad conections. put a voltmeter on the connections and turn over see if the voltage drops, pull starter back out and bench test it. if it does not hit everytime it is junkdemand your money back get one from napa or the dealer. to bad you can't get your old one back. i probably have 15 AA, zone starters piled in my garage. there junk
Yea, it's autozone, I could have gotten a Bosch for $3 more (I just had to have it right away though). the contacts in the old starter seemed to be fine too. I guess I was a little pre-mature with the swap. It was doing the exact same thing with the old one. I'll check the ignition and the starter with the meter. Thanks for the help.
Jake, if ya need a hand, I'm in Archer Lodge area, could help out.

get one with a warranty
get one with a warranty

The thing is, the AZ ones come with a lifetime warranty, so even when they die, you can just pull it and replace. It's not such a bad job if you pull the wheel off. Just gets kind of old by time #3.
i'm in thsi same stuck boat though - best thing to do is replace w/ a real Toy EO. But's really expensive, when I could replace it again for free. These are the decisions that make life tough!