4.0 xj tranny swap ?


jeep a holic, resident assho;e
Sep 21, 2007
I have a 89 4.0 xj 5spd. ? is about swapping it over to auto. I have a auto tranny I just pulled out of a 89 yj. anyone done this? what do I need? comp?
Need a transmission computer, and either buy or build a harness. I chose to build my own harness. my swap was a little more difficult, because i was using a 96 trans and an 88 jeep/computer. This meant that none of the wire colors matched up. you need to at least cut the plugs off the donor vehicle to match the trans if you haven't already, and your comp must match the year model of your car, not the trans. (don't forget to get the plug to the comp when you get one. I am at work now, so i can't spend the time to answer in much more detail, but let me know if you have any specific questions about it.
I am putting a 4.0 back in the 89 xj all the elec. is still in place. just thought about swithing it over to auto. the tranny came out of my 89 yj which caught on fire. so Im not shure how much wiring I can salvage from it.