4 Wheelin in style!

Hate to bust your bubble, but I have wheeled with a very capable rover. Anything out there can be made to wheel. Anything can be customized.
John (madcowdungbeetle) has been claiming to be building a 1 ton Disco for about a year and a half, but hasn't actually accomplished anything until about a month ago. I think its coming together pretty quickly now, but Ill let him tell ya if he sees this.
I bet the guys at roverclubhouse know that rig, and could probably give you background on it.

Rovers are heavy, and generally driven by people who think a "center diff lock" is the same as axle lockers, but that doesn't mean they are junk... But they ARE British... (Can you say "Lucas electronics"?

Still cool rigs though. If that thing was sitting on 37" Krawlers, everyone would say "Cool grocery getter!"

'Nuts did a "buggy" out of (Can't remember his name)'s Discovery.. 1 tons, air shox, fo-dees, etc... Neat rig.
Looks like someone had some money, saw a 4 wheeling video, and decided they wanted to do it too...
btw - Macdaddy - are you on the Samba also?
Ever heard of the Camel Trophy....if you had you wouldn't be bad mouthing Land Rovers.
Rich said:
'Nuts did a "buggy" out of (Can't remember his name)'s Discovery.. 1 tons, air shox, fo-dees, etc... Neat rig.

That is Jordans rig and he ain't skeered to push it.
I've watched Jordans go up lower 2 and didn't winch when "JEEPS" with 60's and 44's wiched up the go around....oh yeah an Avalanche Sniper on 44's also winched...the Rover made it though...So if I buy this and fix it..any takers?
Jordan, that's right.. I'm so crappy with names.. :(
Rich said:
I bet the guys at roverclubhouse know that rig, and could probably give you background on it.

If that is the place off of 70/98 in Durham with a bunch of Rovers, it is sitting there right now, I see it everyday on my way to work sitting there
yeah i've seen that thing around greenville every once in a while for the past few years. NEVER seen it dirty. mall cruiser deluxe fo sho
That's the place. It's maybe a mile and a half from my house. In fact they're the ones who put me onto this place.


Land Rover at DPG one of Johns friends (madcowdungbeetle)
what thread?
I just posted those pics cause the guy in the first post said Land rovers are no good offroad.
thebluyak said:
what thread?
I just posted those pics cause the guy in the first post said Land rovers are no good offroad.

I didnt mean to imply that they ARENT good off-road. I meant to imply that they just ARENT GOOD!

I imagine if you where going to make one not a DD, then ya, definatly awesome. As a DD though...

Teamspatula: yea thats me :)
Rovers are outstanding off roaders, IF you can keep them running long enough.