46rh tranny problems?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2007
Chesnee SC
Ok so about 3 weeks ago i lost OD and reverse in my grand cherokee....46rh tranny. So whenever i try to shift into reverse it just clicks and grinds and doesnt move. It wont ever shift into OD and has a hard time going from 2nd to 3rd. BUT when I shift the tc into 4 low all the gears work. I'm really confused?? which one is broke or are they both....if so i've got a 242 in the garage and i was planning a rebuild on the 46rh anyway....gonna beef it up for the buil-up. But what do you guys think?

BTW i was driving down the interstate when i lost OD. The jeep just jerked hard and then stuck in third after that. The when i stopped to check things out reverse was out too.

Sounds electrical which is a good thing when it comes to automatic transmission problems. Probably some code(s) logged by now. Go to parts store and get them to pull codes. Go from there.