4Leaf4X4 & LWW's, Gonzo play day.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2008
Clover S.C.
Had some good fun yesterday, thanks goes out to all who attended!:beer:
Our little group had an unusual amount of carnage for a play day.:shaking:
I don't think there was that much, a both previous competitions combined.:wtf::Rockon:
Hope y'all get fixed up as easily as possible, & get a hold of me at;
www.coastalcarolinaoffroad.com if you need some help with anything.:gitrdun:
You can also go there to join my free club, the "Lake Wylie Wheelers".
I try to list all local events there, so there is one central place to get that info.
I'll try to post here & www.4X4Grace.com as well.
I'm going to post my pics over there from yesterday, in the event photographs forum.
