4th Annual 4x4 Poker Run - June 19th 2010


Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Sparta, NC
It's a ways off but I wanted you to mark your calendars!! June 19th!! UNF at Group Camp. As always, there will be free camping Friday night and Saturday night.

We will have the Poker Run itself, $20/hand. Last year was such a great turnout, I agreed to up best hand to $200. Worst hand is still $50.

There will be the 50/50 drawing and the prizes raffle. As we get donations, I will let you know what we have.

You can reserve a hand by paying $20 per hand via Paypal to highcountryhelpcenter@yahoo.com or snail mail - PO Box 205, Sparta, NC 28675
I have to have a head count for permit and insurance purposes.

Registration is at 8am - 1st group leaving at 9am and last group leaving at 10am. All hands turned in by 4pm. Raffle to follow.

Thank you all that have come in the past and have helped out. You have all made this an enjoyable event.
When will you need to know for sure on the headcount? I am interested but its hard to plan that far ahead with my current schedule.
Okay, there's a snafu with Paypal but I'm slowly working on it - because we are non-profit, it is taking longer to process. Please bear with me :)

As for the set-up this year, we are going to switch things up - there will be at lest 3 groups (maybe 4) depending on how many sign up. Groups will head out at 9, 9:30, 10 and 10:30 at the latest. You MUST be in one of these group BECAUSE one person from each group will have a key to unlock the cards at each stop. You are going to draw your actual card and keep it til the end (we are using the honor system here). Last card will be "dealt" when you get back to group camp. We will discover the best and worst hand by stand-off. This will allow more people to enjoy the day! I hope this works for everyone.

Prizes so far:
Free Bed Liner Kit from Herculiner (always a big hit)
Legal Package from Erika Hamby (VEX)(she's working out the details)

I will let everyone know when Paypal is up and going for registration.
Okay - Paypal is finally worked out. Start your reservations :D
Great news! The first 50 hands sold will get a free dinner: Pork BBQ, Slaw, Baked Beans, Rolls, Banana Pudding with tea or water :bounce2:
As the raffle prizes come in - I'll let you know what they are :)
Party on!!!!!!!
Cabela's has sent Mini Multi-tools with LED lights :D

Sandy Walker is also donating something - we just don't know what yet :)
To the top again - I won't be on the computer much if at all after this post so any urgent questions, call me at 336-469-8260 :)
Event report

Sorry this took so long to get to you all! I volunteered for our local youth grief camp (Camp Sunshine) right after the poker run and getting ready for an Armwrestling fundraiser this weekend. Crazy, crazy! Any motorcyclists, there will be a fundraiser poker run for our local domestic violence shelter the 17th of this month at Station's Inn in Laurel Springs - google it! I'll be helping with that too. Busy, busy. But alas - here is the report for the 4x4 Poker Run:

4th Annual High Country Help Center 4x4 Poker Run Report

Hello all! So sorry it has taken so long to write up this report. It has been crazy! I want to thank everyone who showed up for the Poker Run (and even the ones we recruited). It was a tough weekend with it being Father's Day weekend, a work weekend, and a sweltering heat index of 104 :( But we had fun anyhow!

We had the run go out in two groups that eventually joined into one group. Our trail lead for the newbies/first's at URE, Todd Rinehart, ended up breaking a mount that had been welded together 5 years earlier (so expected, just unfortunate that it was at this event). Todd passed everyone off to Jason, Sandy and Erica. Folks got back to camp and drew their last cards. Worst hand was Mike Downing who won $50 (he donated it back to the cause). Best hand was a struggle to figure out. At first we thought Josh White had won with a heart flush but came to find out that Sandy Walker's 7's over 6's beat him out. She won $200 (which she donated back). Mike Downing also won the 50/50 drawing of $17 :) (he donated that back too) :) Prizes were then given out and then time for dinner! Brushy Mountain Smokehouse and Creamery was kind enough to give us a break on the price and supplied all the folks that played a dinner of Pork BBQ, Beans, Slaw, Rolls, Tea and Oreo pudding. Folks loved it.

We talked about ideas for next year – finding a cooler month. Maybe May?? We also talked about having an opportunity for drawing 7 cards (2 bonus cards for folks wanting to take the more difficult trails). There are some other ideas being tossed around too. I'd love to have a band (one that plays the sounds that all can come together with). So we will be crossing our fingers for better conditions for next year. Thank you one and all again!!
Glad it was all good...dont worry, the heat found everyone. I still hope to make it out to a poker run, but we were racing this go around.
Thanks Dylan - the heat certainly was not in short supply. I would wish you to blow an engine racing (meant in good terms like break a leg) but my Mom said that to my step-Dad and he did when racing his Sprint car. Good luck though :D