5 point harness question


Dec 11, 2008
Greensboro, NC
I just made a harness bar for my XJ. It is the starting point for a roll cage. I have a couple questions though. First off. Is the bar to low for a harness? Its about 4 inches down and 1.5 inchs back. I just learned that you want it level with your shoulders ideally. The reason i dont want it that high is becuase it would be right in front of backseat passanger's heads. Secondly, I was going to run the harness with stock seats till i find a deal or till i get the dough for syspension seats. Will this be ok? I know its not the best setup but will it be ok for a month or so till i finish the cage and buy seats? I dont want hard plastic ones. I am going to wear the stock belts for on the road but want something that won't lock up when on hills or off camber when wheeling.

Its gonna aggrivate the piss out of you reaching aroud for them but it will work, onc you get the new seats it will be better. And I was under the impression that the bar should be a little bit lower then shoulder level.
Yeah I may see how I can use a bungee cord or strap to keep them in place. Yeah it should be be less then 10 degrees from the shoulder. Mines closer to 60 degress. I heard it can cause spinal compression if its not right.
lots of myth around this topic. I've always heard at, or just above, shoulder level to prevent compressing your spine.
I see that thing turing into a buggy soon.

Haha slowly but surely. I got to wait till I buy a truck to really chop at it.

lots of myth around this topic. I've always heard at, or just above, shoulder level to prevent compressing your spine.
saw on 4x4 tv and also read several diffrent times that they should be about 4" below your sholder

Thanks guys. I think I should be ok the way it is.
i know this aint a drag racing forum, but accordin to IHRA rules from straight to 4" below shoulder line is good. chris.