5 point


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2009
i have a 1980 j10 and i was wondering do you have to have a roll cage inorder to have a 5 point harness. i am not the best speller in the world so if you have any comments about the spelling please keep them to your self. and i dont know if i am calling the harness by the right name or not but i think you know what i mean thank you all for your reply
You do not have to have a rollcage, but you do need to have points behind and around the seat to mount the harness to. If you are ever in a situation where you actually need the 5 point harness more than a regular seatbelt, you will wish you had a roll cage.

Just one note on the harness attach points. The shoulder attach points should be no lower than 4 inches below the height of the seated person's shoulders. If they are mounted any lower and you have the chance to rely on them, they will compress the occupants spine and possibly do severe damage.

A cage is going to be helpful as well, since what ever your harness attaches to the seat should attach to that same structure so both move together. I.E. attach both to the cage or both to the frame via an extension loop or in the last and least desirable, both to the body.
could any body help me with plans on the roll cage and i will do that first.