50mbh bump steer give me some stuff to check


Active Member
Jul 9, 2007
05 tj bump steers when i hit 50 or so sterring wheel goes crazy. whole jeep hard to hold in the rd.
Wheel bearings seem fine, runnin 32 at's on stock rims
Any HELP!!!:beer:
I dont think bump steer is your problem unless its turning the wheel for you when you hit bumps in the road. sounds more like dw's. I think the easiest way for us to figure out how to help you would be for you to tell us exactly and in detail, what you changed and/or replaced on your jeep from stock, how many miles you have on it now and how long youve had the mods. cause it could be something simple as worn out parts, or parts that you need to install that dont usually come in a lift kit.

otherwise I would just suggest to check out every part in the front steering assembly, control arms and bushings, check for bent mounts or loose bolts, to drive shaft angle and even tranny mounts. there are many causes of the dw's....and only one right solution for your rig.
Yeah, thats known as death wobble, not bump steer. Bump steer is when you hit a bump. and the vehicle steers. Death wobble is when the frontend starts shaking so violently you can't really hold it, and it doesn't go away until you slow down a good bit.

With that much tire (assuming 2-3" of lift), you probably have a worn out tie-rod end, or a loose trackbar bolt. Its fairly easy to check, look under the front of the jeep and have someone rock the steering wheel right and left while it is running. None of the junction points for the steering should show any movement side to side, and the track bar (runs from the frame on the drivers side to the front of the axle on the passenger side) should only have about 1/8-1/4" of movement due to the rubber bushing.