6.0 Ford Owners


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2005
Conway, SC
I have always run fuel additives to keep everything clean within my engines... In my gas vehicles i run Chevron Techron, in my boats in run Mercury Quickkleen & Yamaha Ring Free.

Is there anything I should be running in my 05 F250??

I've read ford makes an additive, but its basically kerosene, and that some people use 2 stroke oil, or ATF..

What have you used? what is the benefit? Any drawbacks?
I use the Ford stuff. It's not that expensive and almost manditory.

i'm a moron when it comes to diesels the only thing i know is from when my mom had a benz diesel that you have to change the filters as much as possible and its really cold natured..

Why would the additive be "manditory"?

I've also read the ford stuff is 99% kerosene is there any truth to that?

Those of you who use 2 stroke, how much per tank full?
I started off using 1-2 pints of 2 stroke oil, make sure it says tc-w3 on the label per fill up but now i use 1 pint every other time
Bruce I used Diesel Kleen in my 6.0. I found the best way to save the injectors,if that is the reason for the additive, is regular oil changes or a bypass filter system. Remember the 6.0 uses high pressure oil to fire the injectors not fuel pressure like an injection pump system. Clean oil is what the 6.0 wants the most.

I loved my 6.0 and would buy another. I had problems but they were caused by me and my right foot. I had the top end off mine and can advise if needed. My head gasket were A OK but I brunt the tips off a couple injectors at the track.

Also use the Motorcraft filters not the wix. The Wix are shorter and does not open the oil drain back in the bottom of the filter housing completely.
I'll second the 2stroke oil... Walmart tc-w3 is the jam in these trucks. 1/2 to 1oz per gallon of diesel...