first off, calm down, it's a machine, shit happens.
6.2/6.5 gets a bad rap because folks associate it with the old Oldsmobile 350 POS diesel and just assume it's the same.
I've found the ones who have the strongest opinion about the engine, haven't taken the time to learn about it and understand how it works. It can be a frustraiting mutha to work on at times, ESPECIALLY if it is in a van chassis.
is it a power house ? no, but it can be reliable as hell, IF it's treated well. the PMD ( Pump Mounted Driver ) is probably the biggest achilies heel of this engine, the injection pump second. it's actually a pretty decent engine ( for it's time) not without it's own faults.
Glow plugs swell when they burn out, fact of life, some are better than others, AC Delco glow plugs used to be top grade, now, not so much, I've seen Autolite do pretty well in the past.
If I remember, you'll need an 1 3/16" socket to take the injectors out. the injector lines , do your best not to bend the lines much, they can be a bear to get seated once bent.
have fun, be patient, it's all nut's and bolts !