700r4 to np 209 gasket?


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2012
Mount Olive, Nc

gasket needed is for the area in red

the gasket that goes between the 700r4 adapter and the t-case itself...it has 6 bolt holes...i need it but couldn't find it in any book or on the computer @ NAPA today...

does anyone know what its called or where it can be ordered separately from an entire rebuild or gasket kit?

Thanks in advanced

i guess it would go between the input on the t-case and the adapter?
i get them once a month, i order them a dozen at a time.
the problem with using permatex, is most people don't use it properly and can cause a problem.
if you are going to use silicone both surfaces must be clean and dry, and use it in moderation. when you use too much it oozes into the transmission and end up being sucked up in the governor.
i would suggest going by a tranny shop and picking one up.(it probably cost less than the tube of silicone).