7018 welding troubles


New Member
May 7, 2010
new bern
So, started using 7018 rods, having some problems. I can lay a mean bead with 6011s in all positions. The problem im having is actually striking the arc, even with a brand new rod. Ive scratched them on a coarse file, still nothing. It takes me about 10 times to get an arc going. Any tips, specfically for 7018 rods?
Ya, you need specific 7018 for an A/C machine. If your running a D/C machine run straight polarity, it will heat the tip of the rod more than the parent metal. Scratch to start pull off about an 1.50 in to to see the are & slowly push the rod & arc into the puddle
I have welded with 7018 DC on a Lincoln AC Buzzbox for many years. It is tricky learning how to get the arc started without sticking the rod, but it can be done. I have run across 7018 rod where it seemed the best thing was to take every rod (one at a time) and touch the end on a grinder until you see sparks. It appeared the flux coating ran over the end of the rod and capped it. Also, after stopping a pass and getting ready to start another (same rod) I generally use my thumb (gloved hand) and break the flux cap off the end. Sometimes you can't break it, but most times you can. 7018 is a very good rod once you master it. :)