73-79 ford body alignment


New Member
Apr 9, 2010
Newport, NC
anybody have any advice or would want to help? cant get the drivers side door aligned with the cab so in turn cant get the fender ligned up with the door.
Are the hinges nice and tight? And is the door frame straight and uncracked? Has the truck ever been hit in the a-pillar before?
Even better question, if you're planning a frame swap why are you aligning doors? You're going to want to pull them off when transfering the cab, less wieght=easier to handle.
Even better question, if you're planning a frame swap why are you aligning doors? You're going to want to pull them off when transfering the cab, less wieght=easier to handle.

Once you get those doors aligned, it's best to leave them alone. I've had to align using a washer / spacer on the bolts, but that was a wrecked truck. Try and see if you can wiggle the hinge by picking up on the door with it open?