81 toyota truck question


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2005
Raleigh NC
will a trans that is from a 22re (W56 or G58) work behind a 22R? I'm looking to get a trans that will work with my top shift t case. I was looking to get a L50 or L52 5 speed but i've heard these are weaker than my factory 4 speed and they are not easy to come by. All i want to do is get the best 5 speed trans that will work with a 22R and work with a top shift t case and I can deal with the extra length and can get the drivelines to go with it. (my t case is fine, don't need to buy a new one) I've got 4x4Wires FAQ page bookmarked to base my research there. I've checked car-part.com and they have a few, but some don't distinguish between 22R and 22RE. I'd also consider, if the price is right, a trans with a forward shift case attached if that will bolt in behind a 22R.
Not sure if this will help much but from the Pirate Toyota FAQ section:


Pickup and 4Runner Transmissions with 1st gear ratios.
L43 4 speed 79 - 80 3.67
L45 4 speed 81 - 82 3.93
L50 5 speed 81 - 82 3.93
L52 5 speed 83 3.93
G52 & G54 5 speed 84 - 88 (Carb) 3.93
W56 5 speed 85 - 95 (EFI) 3.95 Manual Hub Equipped Vehicles 89 and up Have W56, 89 and up ADD vehicles have G58.
R151F 5 speed 86 - 87 (turbo only) 4.31
G58 5 speed 89 - 95 3.93 ADD Equipped Vehicles
R150F (6 cyl) 5 speed 88+ 3.83

G52/54 84-88' are twin stick, use a 8 bolt center section, 6 bolt gear t/case pattern, 21 spline output.
G58 89-95' twin stick, 8 bolt center, 9 bolt chain t/case, 26 spline
W56 85-88' (single stick), 89-95' (twin stick), 10 bolt center, 6 bolt t/case, 21 spline
R151F 86 - 87 (turbo only) will have two housings of four bolts each just like a G52, the difference would be the large rubber plug on the bottom of the bellhousing.

Info provided by Marlin Cralwer
All 84 to 95 22R trans are 25.5" long including the bellhousing. The only shorter trans is the 79-83 year trans which are 20.75" long with bellhousing. These early short trans have had a poor service record due in part to their small bearings and lighter gears. The 82-83 L52 5 speed which had a 80 x 20 mm front input bearing has had the best service record. A number of years ago, I invented a way to install a oversize 80 x 23 mm input bearing with an inproved gear set which features a greater helix angle for added strenght. I call it my L52HD and is the strongest 20.75" long trans.

Side note:
ADD = Automatic Differential Disconnect
For more information see my article here:

Tranny 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Rev
R151f 4.310 2.740 1.930 1.000 0.830 4.230
W56 3.954 2.141 1.384 1.000 0.850 4.091
G52 3.929 2.333 1.452 1.000 .851 ????
FYI: Marlin offers a R151f gear swap that gives 5.15 first

List of Toyota transmissions which covers all toy trans 2wd, fwd, automatic, car, truck

A340 Transmission issues and FAQs

From that it looks like the W56 would be the 22RE and sorta looks as if the G58 might have been on both. Not really sure though. Hope this will at least stir some brighter minds on the subject.
yes a w56 will work it will be a bit longer, i have a L52 if you need one.

Do you know the ratios for the L52? I noticed the FAQ only briefly talks about it, and was just curious. I am thinking my next rig will be a Toyota of sorts or at least something with a Toyota drivetrain so just trying to learn as much as I can.

Sorry to hi-jack a bit.
G58s only work with the 26 spline chain driven Tcase. i have one in my runner i wont need as soon as i start tearin it down. i'll sell it cheap

I would use the W-56, it will work and is stronger than the G-models. A forward shift t-case will work with a trans set up for a forward shift, a top shift will work with all trans.