88 4runner sas ?

well you can start at Pirate 4x4 here http://www.pirate4x4.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=12 every thing you ever wanted to know about 4runners is there

for parts you have Marlin the best parts a little more expensive than most othere venders but Marlin IS THE BEST http://marlincrawler.com/index.shtml

there is also trail gear here http://www.trail-gear.com/index.html

here is northwest off road never delt with them but here they are http://www.northwestoffroad.com/parts/suspension3_lift.html

you can also find more local info and help here N.C. toyota off roaders association http://www.ncttora.com/forum/index.php

from what I have read if you have all the parts and tools you need to do the swap and your a good machanic you could do it in a weekend with help but plan on working 12 to 18 hr days.
depends on if you are using a grinder and sawzaw or a plasma cutter. If you have a lift or if you are doing it in the driveway.

If you have never done one...i would say a couple of long days (3-4), just to be honest. Depending on how you work it could be longer. Once you have done one or two...you can knock it out pretty quick. But there is always the learing curve. Anyone of the DIY kits are farly easy...they are all the same.

There are about a dozen different manfactures for the kits....just pick the one you like.

(the cheapest isnt always the best)
