88 sami head work


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2009
rock hill
does anyone make a shim kit for the 1.3? i had to resurface my head on my sami and it had been done before i believe. its now i believe 3.700 when specs say stock is 3.750 and minimum of 3.740. any help thanks

also had a guy tell me to get two head gaskets and put them together, not so sure on how that would work....?...any thoughtsor experiences?

need to get this thing runnin for the gulches ride and dpg 26th!
I'd just buy a new head as cheap as they are, but as long as you don't have any interference, just roll with what you've got. Five hundredths of an inch shouldn't make too much of a difference. Correct me if I'm wrong.
There should be no interference. I'm not sure what the thickness on a head gasket is, but it may get you where you need to be. It shouldn't hurt to stack them, but you'll need to make absolutely sure you're careful torquing it down to keep from warping it again, and check torque every 500 miles or so for a couple thousand miles. However, it wouldn't hurt to try it as is. The worst that could happen is the cam timing could be off a touch, but you'll probably never notice.