91 YJ AX-15 Question


New Member
Oct 17, 2005
Beaufort, SC
Pulled the Tcase and had some fluid drain out of the transmission in the area of the output shaft. The transmission was at a pretty steep angle at the time. I immediately jacked it up so it was level and no more fluid. Probably no more than a couple of ounces leaked out.

Is this normal or should there be a seal at the transmission output shaft keeping the fluid in no matter the angle? Should I be concerned about losing a couple of ounces?

appericate any help..
Thanks, shoulda looked a little closer at the rubber seal on tranny output. Might as well drain and replace fluid in tranny while i'm at it.
i always replace the front seal on the t-case while i'm there.(unless you like doing things twice)

I realize I am joining this thread late but I learned twice to always do the above. The seal is $10 and almost always leaks after you put the t-case back in.
Spoke too soon, it's the rear seal on the transmission that I always replace. I jumped to conclusions about what I was reading.
personally ive never had an issue with the front seal... must be luck.. when i had a rear seal that sucker leaked no matter what!