Starter solenoid. The contacts get pitted and will stick when trying to start it. You can remove starter and install new contacts in the solenoid. It`s harder to remover starter than it is to replace the contacts.
Starter solenoid. The contacts get pitted and will stick when trying to start it. You can remove starter and install new contacts in the solenoid. It`s harder to remover starter than it is to replace the contacts.
Mine did this when it was time for new contacts in the starter itself. Some times it would just click and do nothing and a few times it just kept going, with the engine running included. Had to hop out real quick and pull the battery cable. Parts are like $20-$30 but if it's 4wd the starter is a major PITA to get out. Mine was a 2wd 4runner so it was cake.
Mine did this when it was time for new contacts in the starter itself. Some times it would just click and do nothing and a few times it just kept going, with the engine running included. Had to hop out real quick and pull the battery cable. Parts are like $20-$30 but if it's 4wd the starter is a major PITA to get out. Mine was a 2wd 4runner so it was cake.
That what it did to a T, Been just clicking a little when i turn the key, tell ya what sucks. I was gonna tear into it today but its rainin, and im in the middle of a garage rebuild, Thaks for all the info. Guess we will shadetree this one tommorw,
Get your parts from Toyota, they'll be better than the aftermarket ones. When you take it apart, just pay attention to which one goes where. The two sides are different. You'll be amazed at how worn the old ones are.