96 tacoma What lift should i get??


Mar 11, 2007
truck has a 3 inch body lift which im not a fan of but its already there and dont feel like taking it off.. I want to do a 2 1/2 or 3 inch front spacer and for rear a block or shackle but theres alot of options out there.. Was wondering if anyone had a recommendation? ebay has a few billet spacer and also not sure if i need the diff drop down spacers or not also?? Thanks for feed back. Jeff :driver:
Look on Tacomaworld.com. They have many posts on Tacoma lifts.
i have a 3 inch body and 3 inch revtek spacer lift on my 96. its a cheap lift that sucks off road. if you want something good for wheelin look into a drop bracket style lift
thanks guys, i dont plan on wheeling it alot maybe trail ride every now and then mostly dd it but cant stand stock!
I have some lift blocks for the rear and a ubolt flip kit (ruffstuff), not 100% sure if the ubolts would be long enough with the blocks.

Anyways, daystar makes a spacer lift, any brand is about the same. If you have manual hubs don't worry about the diff drop. Spacer kit should be fine for what you want.