- Joined
- Feb 19, 2011
- Location
- Sanford NC
HELP!!! Im going crazy trying to figure this out. I finished swapping the NP231 for a NV241 finish it all up jump in to fire it up and cranks but no start checked fuzes and relays all look good checked fuel and nothing fuel pump doesn't turn on when the key comes on I can bypass the fuel relay and the pump works. but with the relay in there is nothing. I check spark and nothing check for power going to the coil and nothing. I then replaced the crank pos sensor nothing then the camshaft pos sensor still nothing started testing the ECM it receiving signal and is getting power but its not turning on. I know it not turning on because the check engine light on the dash will not come on that tells me the PMC is still asleep and not doing its self checks I also tried to pull code with a scan tool and it can not communicate with the ECM. The only thing I can come up with is a bad ECM anyone have anymore ideas before I drop 300 and a ECM.