ask yourself what the end use is, driving style, cut fenders or not, ultimate tire size, axle gears or not (your biggest concern aside from strenght) ect... Aside from that, if that's all that is holding you back dollar wise I say go for it. If your build needs the extra room, get it in one well designed lift. But I tend to like bigger lifts than most because I don't like tire rubbing or cutting and I tend to think a bit of clearence looks good. I never much cared for the constant "stuffed tire look" and severely limited up travel to maintain clearence. My stuff seemed to perform well with ample amounts of unrestricted up and down travel. Alot of XJ's do run limited lift but in the rear run oversized bumps to prevent travel issues. In extreme cases joints or axles get broken from just the tires binding on vehicle components. In the case of XJ's the rear fender areas require alot of clearencing and fabb to really open them up much. If you can live with that go lower and get to cutting and hammering on your stuff.
A better question with more specific answers would be: I'm going to run this tire size. What have you guys done to make this work for you? Then you'll get lift, trim, gear, axle, ect. configurations to work with.