97 XJ P0700 & 0740


Sayer of Fact
Jan 12, 2007
Maiden, NC
Done about everything short of going into the trans itself .It's sometimes locking the converter and sometimes not .
If I remember correctly that is controlled by the TCU and the lock is from the input of the TPS. Then again I could be remembering that wrong. What all have you done to check it?
Hit it with your purse.
Tcc solenoid or ckt or internal fault on p0740.
P0700 generic trans fault

Inspect wiring harness. Check brake light switch.
We have changed the solenoids, changed out TCM, brake switch TPS and done every voltage check possible I believe . Maybe a bad pump seal? If you start and drive easy everything works fine. If you are aggressive, like pulling into heavy traffic or something, it will stop locking up and only work properly once you restart the Jeep
Pull the PRNDL switch, open it up, and clean it.

About the only common problem on AW4s