98 XJ heater core repair


Sayer of Fact
Jan 12, 2007
Maiden, NC
I've never changed the heater core in an XJ. The Chilton manual says a/C must be discharged. Is this true or can it be done without messing with freon.
You have to pull the HVAC box from under the dash. Must be discharged. Dash must be removed/set off to side. 95 and under still had to discharge AC but not remove dash... and A/C isnt that bad to discharge and recharge. Just be sure to replace any o rings or gaskets when reinstalling any removed lines (to avoid future headaches).
Also, remember to disconnect the control cables.. I did one and broke the housing where the cable attaches. Thankfully windshield glue is an excellent, tough adhesive.
Found a great link to assist in the destruction.

Oh lord, that looks like a serious pain in the ass for a heater core. I dread mine kicking the bucket now.