Caver Dave Just holdin' it down here in BFV Moderator Joined Mar 10, 2005 Location Hooterville (24171) May 1, 2007 #1 Anyone know if they're the old school type that can be compressed with a C-clamp or the the type that have to "screwed" back in?
Anyone know if they're the old school type that can be compressed with a C-clamp or the the type that have to "screwed" back in?
mudonthetires10 Member Joined May 19, 2005 Location Randolph County May 1, 2007 #2 I have a 97 and I always used something like a C-clamp when they were on the truck.
rattlecanpaint Well-Known Member Joined Apr 18, 2005 Location Winston Salem May 1, 2007 #3 If they're the front, a c-clamp will be fine. Not sure about the rear, (If they're even discs back there.)
If they're the front, a c-clamp will be fine. Not sure about the rear, (If they're even discs back there.)
Bullardbs Well-Known Member Joined May 7, 2007 Location Thomasville, NC May 20, 2007 #4 a C clamp will work on the front or the rear they are not the screw in type.