A Great Day in Court!


Grumpy, decrepit Old Man
Mar 20, 2005
Morganton NC
Today I went with my son, who was trying to get temporary custody of his daughter. Without saying a lot about it, I will say
1. we hired the right attorney
2. It all(most of all of it) caught up with her
3. We won, get her back at 5!

You don't hear of a young man getting custody very often. I am a happy G-paw right now!
Awesome! I work with a guy that has been fighting for months to get custody of his daughter from his insane ex-wife. Glad to hear ya'll came out much easier!
Good Job Chip!
I got custody of my Little girl. But I can't say there was much of a fight from her slack Mom. How someone can just give up like that is beyond me. Not meaning to steal your thunder.
having been in the same position as your Son (Single Dad(but married again now)) I say CONGRATS! Definitly something for him to be proud of and cherish!
A fellow that works for me got custody of his 2 kids, and the oldest aint even his! The woman had her with some other jerk before they met.
Tell Josh I said Congrats!

Justice is definately for sale. It just takes the right lawyers.
Well congrats, although it didn't go so well for a friend of mine. He couldn't afford a lawyer, even though he's a state trooper, she's married to one. He did well to represent himself, put together a thought out trial, but it didn't even matter. The kid (age 15) didn't want to go back to his mom's, but the judge didn't care. Justice really is for sale. But again, congrats.
congrats as well from yet another father that has custody. its alot of work but for me is well worth it. at least this way i know my daughter is raised correctly.
was your lawyer chuck alexander? my dad started fighting for custody of me when i was 12..and finally got it when i was 17! I lived with him the entire time...and he still payed child support. sometimes the court system is screwed up, glad it worked out for ya!
Congrats from a dad who couldnt imagine not having his 2 headaches around:lol:
Care to Pm good lawyer's info?
i have a family member in similar situation. his current layer isn't as good as hers, and with support paid to her, he pretty much pays for both of them!
What did all of you do to win? My girlfriends ex is threatening to take away our (her) little girl. He says that his attorney thinks he has a shot. What do they try to prove.....unfit household? We have a very fit household, non-smokers, no drugs, New house, her own room, a nice yard and so on. What cards will he play to win?

I moved out of my moms house when I was 14 and lived with my dad. He fought for 2 years prior to that and was losing, but in the state of Michigan, a 14 yr old can make the decision as long as the household is fit for a child. I loved living with my dad, but I gotta say I got into way more trouble because he was easier going than mom was.
As for my friends situation, he got screwed. They turned it into a criminal trial, therefore they got to place the kid wherever they pleased. It was definitely a conspiracy with all of the Carolina alumn. They got him for contempt of court, she got full custody, he pays child support, and all of her lawyer fees. He's currently trying to get an appeal, so he can get a fair trial, because he did not get one the first time around. Correct me if I'm wrong, but in any criminal case, shouldn't he be allowed to get judged in front of a jury?
What did all of you do to win? My girlfriends ex is threatening to take away our (her) little girl. He says that his attorney thinks he has a shot. What do they try to prove.....unfit household? We have a very fit household, non-smokers, no drugs, New house, her own room, a nice yard and so on. What cards will he play to win?
I moved out of my moms house when I was 14 and lived with my dad. He fought for 2 years prior to that and was losing, but in the state of Michigan, a 14 yr old can make the decision as long as the household is fit for a child. I loved living with my dad, but I gotta say I got into way more trouble because he was easier going than mom was.

From what I have always been told, you have to provide for the health, education and welfare of the child. That being said, it's a very broad venue of different things. Anything and everything can and will be brought out.
Out saving grace was document ion. And truth.
She had filled her attorney with so many of her lies, and had nothing to back it up. we told the truth about everything, and COULD back it up.
her past track record with finances, Her affairs with other men(while he was in Iraq) her dependences on drugs and drug addiction, and the habitual lies she told were the nails in her coffin. We had documentation of it all. Right down to yahoo conversation she had with a lover that was down right damning to her. I never thought the language used, could be used in a court of law. When the closing statement went something like, (not a direct quote but close) " your honor, what we have here is a woman that is a habitual liar, a whore, and a drug addict, who thinks she is a good mother."

I went through custody fight, but nothing like this. I was never worried about the well being of my kids with my ex. The best interest of the kids was to primarily stay with their mom. We decided together that we would have joint custody with primary residence being with her. Yes I paid child support, and did until this year. Why shouldn't I? They aren't free to raise.We worked together on visitation. Pretty well stuck with the schedule, and changed it only for reasons of work schedules, or best interest of the kids. We both would have things come up when we would want the kids on a weekend the other was to have them, we traded off, so it was a give give situation.
This type of arrangement was not going to happen in this case, she had kept the baby from him for over a month. She fabricated a story that he hit her, hit the baby, and he threatened her, so of course, he was went to jail. Something that will be forever on his record. She admitted to the DA, to the magistrate, and to Social services that she lied. But none of that matters, it's still on his record and will be forever. IMO she is about as low as a person can get. I have but one thing to say for her on the positive side. She sure does make a pretty baby!