ok so sunday I was grinding on the bottom of the jeep tub. A spark flew and hit above me and fell into my safety glasses, I thought I brushed it off and it stopped hurting after a second so I thought nothing of it. so then monday afternoon my eye really starts hurting. I go to urgent care and there is a piece of metal lodged in my eye ball about .5 mm. they can't get it out go to duke ER they try washing it out.. nothing..try a q-tip...nothing...try pumping a whole bag of saline into my eye... nothing and then they call the opthomologist and he pries my eye open and picks it out with a neddle. Then to make it worse it had rusted in my eye so they had to litteraly pick out all of the rust with a needle it was pretty bad. so now I have a scratched cornia and a dialated eye and a 6 hour expirience in a ER. So the lesson buy good safety glasses.