A personal goal achieved...


Dr 'Dre
Feb 10, 2008
Kings Mountain
I shoot in USPSA competitions. Decided i should take the range officer class. Class was taught by a 35 year master ro instructor. A dude that wrote the rule book. No pressure, lol!
I passed and got my credentials in the mail today. @ 54 years old, i'm kinda proud of it.
:sniper: :beer:
Can't hide badass.

Huge congrats to you sir! :beer: :beer: :beer:

And one more for the road... :beer:
What does a USPSA competition consist of?
Congrats. Goes to show you that #blacklivesmatter
What does a USPSA competition consist of?
Paper and steel targets with no shoot walls and targets. You have to move and reload.

Love it! I shoot it and 3 gun also. I have a lot of respect for Badass even before this. Watch what happens to his standing as he will progress further as a shooter now!!!
What does a USPSA competition consist of?
Exactly what @snappy said. Shoot on the move, reload on the move. Accuracy is the key.
IE. One good shot can be an alpha. +5 points.
Next shot hits a no shoot, (hostage) Miss and a no shoot penalty. -15 points.
Now, google Jessie Duff and report back. She is a grandmaster and smoking hot!
My cousin wanted us to start shooting at a local IDPA match. We couldn't keep enough good ammo to even practice, and never found time to compete.
No issues with holdin yo gat sidewizzle??
Nope. Gangsta style is fine as long as all safety rules are followed. Got my Dawson sights on the side of the slide anyway!:beer:

congrates Paul...what are your plans ?
Hold a class on drive by shootings and convince my wife that i really look like Brad Pitt. :shaking:

Congrats. Goes to show you that #blacklivesmatter
Ain't you got better stuff to do than screw with me? Like change a diaper or some shit like that? ;)
Hold a class on drive by shootings and convince my wife that i really look like Brad Pitt. :shaking:

Ain't you got better stuff to do than screw with me? Like change a diaper or some shit like that? ;)
A diaper a day keeps the wife at bay. And you look more like Brad Pitt than I do, so congrats.