A Quandary


professionally useless
Mar 16, 2005
Archer Lodge
Week before Thanksgiving I ordered several items from Amazon, all but one were " fulfilled by Amazon" and showed up in the 2 day delivery time frame, the last order, from an Amazom store front stated it would be 5-7days for shipment, which was fine.
The item shipped on Nov 27 UPS, billed for item Nov 28, but no tracking number, with a Dec 2 expected delivery date. again, fine, ( slightly curious about no tracking number, but, whatever)

Dec3, no product, sent message thru Amazon system to seller, no response.

Dec 5, again sent message thru Amazon system, no response.

Dec 6 started A-Z claim thru Amazon, with in literally 5 min of filing I got a phone call from seller. a little breathless and shaken. what ever, says new product will be sent out Monday. No problem, crap happens, send me my stuff ( I'm really not upset at all at this point, just want my order before Christmas )

Dec 12, no product, no tracking number, no contact, send message thru Amazon system again, no response, call number that came up on phone when they called me, really bad connection, guy says he'll call back in 30min. 5hrs later ( 9:45 pm) guy calls back, all apologetic saying there was some sort of screw up in the shipping dept. sending out new stuff plus a lil extra for the troubles.

What ever, just send my shit

Amazon refunds my money Dec 13. No problem, I'll find another seller.

Today, product shows up WITH the extra for my troubles.

Now what to do ?

Wait for seller to contact ? contact Amazon ? Fuck it, I got free shit ?

I have no problem re-paying for original item.

the troubling part is the " for your troubles " gift cost 2 times the price of my original product.

I really don't want to be on the hook for both.
hmmm, that is a quandary.

I guess the right thing to do would be to contact the seller and ask what they'd have you do. But I wouldn't pay for the extra stuff either way. I would send the freebies back before I would pay for them.
yeah just message them through amazon and offer to pay the original price, no biggie, if no response then the "for your troubles gift" is everything, if they do respond then you are out nothing except some agitation and the original price just my .02

scared to death!!!!!
Quit being a pussy and keep that shit. The seller fucked up and now you are reaping the benefits. Amazon gets their cut on every sale and they have more money than everyone combined on nc4x4 so don't feel bad. If you're like me you have been fucked before and probably will get fucked again so just chalk this one up as a time you got the upper hand.
Forgive me...but based on this thread alone, will do business with blkvoodoo in future, will steer clear of Jake.
Doesnt matter how much money anyone has right is right and wrong is wrong. Wal Mart has more than amazon, can I just take wwhat shit I want from there for free?

Now...yep you have yourself a quandry...dude is most likely going to dispute your claim and say you requested the extra stuff on phone....I'd file a claim with A-Z immediately and offer to return everything, unless you cant get what you got any where else.

Not that it matters but when you say "double"...what are we talking here? You bought a $2 item and he threw in $5...or you bought $2000 and he threw in $500
I agree with Ron.
The high road is tough, yet it is the way to go.
Now...yep you have yourself a quandry...dude is most likely going to dispute your claim and say you requested the extra stuff on phone....I'd file a claim with A-Z immediately and offer to return everything, unless you cant get what you got any where else.

I haven't checked yet to see where else it can be had, I honestly was waiting to see if this exact thing was going to happen, I didn't expect Amazon to refund the original purchase so quick.

Not that it matters but when you say "double"...what are we talking here? You bought a $2 item and he threw in $5...or you bought $2000 and he threw in $500

double as in, my product was $55, the add on is listed ( by another seller on AZ ) $110, some charge as much as $150.
*cough* I took the high road 3 post earlier than Ron did..:flipoff2:

Yes you did.
And that is why i call you my brother Dylan.
Honesty and integrity are not lost in this country by most folks.
Just forgotten by some.
I'm w/ Dylan, Ron, and others. Put in the due diligence to try and pay. Not sure that filing another A-Z is the way to go though b/c that might actually add confusion. I'd bet it is rare that people are trying to pay when they don't owe.
I'd try and deal w/ the guy directly first. He may just confirm to keep it (He will have to eat additional shipping too), and either way the guy will be impressed w/ the integrity.
Generally speaking, I don't buy shit that's not fulfilled by Amazon. Certainly not if I care when it's going to show up. Don't get free shipping that way, regardless.
I'm a relative Amazon "Newb" bought a few things one at a time, never multiple items at once. I didn't notice that it was a store front until after I made the purchase.

Hell it's Amazon, how bad could it be ? I wasn't in a time crunch, it wasn't a big deal until it didn't show in time frame given. and even then it wasn't that big of an issue, shit happens, I get it, I honestly was blaming it on Zebulon post office ( once I found out it went USPS ) Zebulon Post Office has lost more mail than I care to think about, usually about the time it's something important ( whole different Rant )

I did a "Withdraw claim" last night, we'll see what happens from there.

Jake, no worries, I expected a few replies like that, serious or not.
Call them. I've had similar things happen. Hell I ordered an item, it was delivered and signed for by a name I didn't know at my office (there's only 7 of us here). I couldn't find the item. I called and told them It wasn't here. They said they'd mark it lost in transit and send new product. a few days later I found the original item. I called them told them I found it and asked for a return authorization number and I'd ship it back on my dime. they said don't worry, keep it. More often than not, that's the response I have gotten when a vendor doubles up, or the shipper looses it. or hell even when I lost the item.

you'll have a clear conscience, and karma won't bite you later. Plus it's the right thing to do.
Rock auto is about the same. I ordered a water pump for my xj, they sent me one for a 3.8 Chevrolet. I called them and they sent me a refund. When I asked if I need to send the water pump back theu said just keep it.