a trip to the ER


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2006
Hendersonville, NC
well I got pretty lucky today

I am trying to finish up my Jeep, and started putting the tranny in today

Ford t-19 with a Novak dana 300 adapter, very heavy duty

strapped it on the tranny Jack and started lifting it up, I thought I had it positioned about right, but I was off a bit

so instead of letting the Jack back down to do my adjusting, I decided to loosen the strap and adjust it while it was almost in position

not a very good idea, the jack shifted a little and 150 pound tranny comes off the Jack

first reaction for me was to try and catch it:shaking:, dont know where that train of thought came from

so it falls about 2 foot and ends up on this finger :fuck-you:

not only did it about take my finger off it crushed it

factured the bone and cut a flap out of my finger the size of a tater tot, all the way to the bone

well I am fine now, just got home, and it is a terrible thing to say but I was more worried about my tranny than my finger

got home, drug the tranny out from under the Jeep to check it out, seems to be just fine after the 2 ft drop on the concrete driveway

I guess that's why they call those 4 speeds bullet proof

oh yeah, one more thing, anybody want to help a gimp put in a very heavy tranny?
Glad you are ok. I might can make it up towards hickory if you need a hand. Send me a PM.
I can lend a hand if need. I also live in Hickory. What I lack in mechanical knowkedge I can make up in brut strength.

I'll help if you can wait a couple of weeks. I'll be out of town during the first week of July. And I need to come by your place any way to bick up a set of headers Nathan was to leave with you.
yeah they saved the finger

told me that I might not have any feeling for a while or ever again in the tip

6 stiches on the inside, and 8 on the outside

my wife told me it looked like I stuck my finger in a blender
I'm in Hickory as well. I would be willing to help you out some afternoon. Just shoot me a PM.
that really sucks. i've had the same thing happen to me before but i let it fall. broke the bellhousing and that's about it. you really can't bust a 4-speed. I've had both a t18a and now a 465. I just put mine back in this weekend and had plans in case it shifted on me to just let it drop. Hope it heals up good and you're back before you know it.
Dang Josh. Looks like you have enough guys that can come by and do the job for ya. You can just stand back and watch! LOL! Hope you heal quickly!
Dang, and another guy I knew fawked up his back trying to "finish up" his Jeep project too.

Hey guys, I have carpal tunnel now from taking that week off (no, really, i actually do)... someone want to come over and finish up my buggy? :D
I don't have time to lend a whole hand but I can give you a finger! :flipoff2:

Just kidding I hope your finger is OK. How are you typing?
I'd also be willing to lend a hand. I dont have a ton of time, but evenings are good for this week. I live in Stony Pt. So were not far from each other.

Let me know.

Thanks for all the replies, and the help offers

I might try to put this thing in towards the end of the week

I will send some pm's, and supply some :beer:, and some Hotdogs If anybody is interested

one more thing, no bashing the Jeep, it is still a work in progress
this must be the month for fingers and er's. haha.

glad to hear you're doing ok.... now where are the pictures?!
this must be the month for fingers and er's. haha.

No kidding.. as I was using the cutoff wheel on the 4.5" grinder last night in a weird position (kinda leaned over facing backwards because the wall wouldn't let me stand how I wanted), all I could think of was being the next one to post...
well after fighting with the tranny for a couple hours we finally got everything installed

thanks to

Nathan Hutchinson (JPScout)


Jeff Franklin (Franklin)

from the board for lending a hand
No problem man, glad to help. It actually motivated me to do some work on mine yesterday. Bitch has been on jackstands for too damn long.
No problem here as well. I haven't done shit on my Terra except drive it, so it was good to do a little wrenching. Nothing like helping someone else work to give you some motivation to work on your own junk - I recommend it. Glad to help and meet some new folks in the area.