A whole lot of Skinny peddal


And why in the world would anybody say 4wheling is destructive to the environment?
Awesome footage. I love the FJ that knocks the tree down and then strips all the foliage off as he spins up the hill!
And then these guys complain when all the trails get shut down....I know its in all good fun, but that is a little unecessary....
Very awesome!

Anybody else's job relate much to Land Development / Construction? Nothing like visiting a site to check a basin to watch a couple of mexicans carrying cans of diesel fuel along as they keep a diesel leaking D10 Catapillar Bull Dozer going while it takes out acres upon acres of trees. That image will last forever, among the images of going back later to count meters / cleanouts to find 5 gallon buckets of used hydraulic fluid and plain trash rising to the surface of a topsoil filled dirt borrow pit down in an open space where it will probably grow up with weeds and never be found.

I guess the whole intent of the comments I read is probably directed towards hoping these guys are playing on private land and not Public Tree Conservation land designated for offroad activity? Looks like something East Coast'ish - local? Anybody recognize?
We need more trails like that around here. They are based out of Chattanooga area which is mostly Aetna Mtn and Greyrock which are both private.
i loved the video

they are in parks designed and built for that kind of wheeling; and i for one, would love to go ride with these guys atleast once.

and IMO (and i know it will not be a popular one)...racing through the woods as fast as you can, can be just as destructive to the trails, but i love watching that as well.
So ummm... what's the point? I mean this just says if you put the biggest motor with highest amount of HP in a cage, slap the biggest tires on the biggest axle you can possibly imagine, and then just mash the pedal until you make it, you can wheel. The closest thing I think of that matches this is taking a belt fed machine gun with unlimited ammo, point it at the enemy, pull the trigger, sweep side to side until enemy is dead. Where is the skill? Where is the fun? IMHO this is just stupid I don't even care if they are on private land or public to a tree hugger it's all the same and it's crap like this that shuts down trails and kills the sport. This video is damaging to our sport especially the part where they decimate the tree because environmentalist do not see videos of guys fixing trails, cleaning trails, or helping the FS do work.

my .02
I do agree there is not a lot of skill involved but there is some skill with that much power . Also if you study the terrain is is all very slick so if you were crawling you really wouldn't get anywhere . I do not think what they are doing is killing our sport but showing a different method of wheeling . I personally thing it would be nice have that much power on hand when needed . I did not post this to be a giant complaint about tread lightly . I posted it up because I thought they had son very nice buggys .
Awesome video! kids loved it! Death wheelin is not my thing but would love to ride shotgun.

As far as the tread lightly comments...thats why we have private parks. I don't think those trails were designed for stock rigs anyways :popcorn:.
I HAVE GOT TO GO THERE!!!!!!. I have a $1.37 that says I can take a 2010 4dr jeep up that junk. That was an awesome video. One day I will have some horsepower in a vehicle and when that day comes you had better all get the hell out of my way. :wheel:
So ummm... what's the point? I mean this just says if you put the biggest motor with highest amount of HP in a cage, slap the biggest tires on the biggest axle you can possibly imagine, and then just mash the pedal until you make it, you can wheel. The closest thing I think of that matches this is taking a belt fed machine gun with unlimited ammo, point it at the enemy, pull the trigger, sweep side to side until enemy is dead. Where is the skill? Where is the fun? IMHO this is just stupid I don't even care if they are on private land or public to a tree hugger it's all the same and it's crap like this that shuts down trails and kills the sport. This video is damaging to our sport especially the part where they decimate the tree because environmentalist do not see videos of guys fixing trails, cleaning trails, or helping the FS do work.
my .02
so what's the point? the point is they are doing what they enjoy.just because you enjoy easing around and taking in the sites don't mean everyone in the four wheeling sport must do the same.the owners of the place are fine with it and they are not giving anyone a bad name. there are a lot of people that think that driving a jeep on anything other than pavement should be outlawed.they look at people like you and me spending a weekend doing what we love to do and say there should be a law against this.
Damn I have got to get me one of those!
i love watching those videos. i have seen these guys in action before and i can tell you..there is some skill involved. you can easily pick out the guys who have got some skill vs. those that don't when you are sitting right next to the trail watching.

video doesn't do it justice, but those hills are steep and slick. i wouldn't and I doubt many of you would, want to put a crawler or your rig on those hills. you wouldn't get anywhere and likely just roll right back down to the bottom.

i've never seen any of those guy on public land doing that stuff. always private land and always on designated trails/obstacles.

two thumbs up for the camera man!
I'm guessing anyone who doesn't like that video must be the type of wheeler who hops out and pulls cable as soon as one of their tires looses traction.
what I find ironic is how the majority of people on this site will flip their shit anytime someone puts half a tire width outside of a trail at Uwharrie but when a 600HP ColeWorx or Jimmy Smith buggy literally rips every last grain of soil from the bedrock everybody loves it :lol: