Adult Supervision Required


Doing hard time
Jun 1, 2006
7, Pocket, NC
I didn't want to clog up the Helene thread with this, so here it is....

The NCNG has been posting several B-roll videos on youtube of their work in WNC. Props to them, it looks like they are giving some guys some seat time that do need some practice.

This is a video of the HMEE backhoe. I was surprised at how easily it breaks traction. But then, almost highway-ish tires, and it does weigh like 35k pounds. Look starting around 5:30 and 7:15 Seems like it would be almost impossible to run on a slope or in mud.

That's a horrible machine! For one it sounds like a truck with a way too high stall torque converter that won't move until you rev the hell out of it but also the hydraulics are slow so they have to rev it to get them to move fast enough. And it looks like they weren't running it in 4 wheel drive most of the time. Let them run that one for a bit and then put them on a conventional 4wd full size backhoe/loader and they would quickly see that the HMEE is a POS.
I understand that these guys were new and getting some seat time but you can easily see the limitations of this machine. Its probably designed for a more urban type of work.
Its probably designed for a more urban type of work.
Tell me it wouldn't dominate at Ghetto hellcat takeover bowling or Palestinian protestor clearing though šŸ˜Ž
I'd say it probably be a good compromise for a piece of equipment built to keep operator "safe" in a war zone , if it ever comes to that. I'd rather be sitting in that than a regular backhoe when the bullets start flying for least it has the roll out in a hurry option.
I thought that was the armored version, but apparently not. Saw another one in a video and the windows are tiny. Had to have someone outside guiding them on every move.
I thought that was the armored version, but apparently not. Saw another one in a video and the windows are tiny. Had to have someone outside guiding them on every move.
... so it protects the guy inside at the expense of a sacrificial guy outside?
I donā€™t know much about heavy equipment, but I do know about managing resources. You have one guy driving, one guy being his eyes outside and directing when needed and 6 guys standing around. At this pace you guys might get your roads back by 2043.

Nah, DOT guys are busting it up here. Definitely making up for "propped up on a shovel" stereotype we all like to put on them.

I'd say the NG be more helpful getting temporary bridge/driveway access for folks than anything.
Mil spec. Never been in a gov uniform but a few corporate settings. Those where enough to see how layers of "thinkers, acquisitions, engineers, and printed money" can abundantly create useless solutions to problems that didn't exist til executed.
The few companies lucky enough to work with only the top and less of the whole occasionally hit a home run. The rest get "Jeep Gladiators or worse Honda Ridgelines".
This video has the small window armored version.

Found that silly piece of jcb shit.

Lucky I remembered to bring my HEMMT key with me too
Found that silly piece of jcb shit.

Lucky I remembered to bring my HEMMT key with me too

Shows how much you know. HEMMT's don't have keys šŸ˜‚.

The JCB has to be a FAR cry better than than the FLU-419's it replaced, in virtually every way I imagine.