Air Tank size to pump up 35s


The Stig's NC cousin
Apr 24, 2010
Pisgah Forest, NC
What size air tank should I get to go from about 12lbs to 28 lbs in 35s?

Side note has anyone heard about converting an a/c compressor to pump up tires?

Sent from a carrier pigeon.
Who trained your pigeon? As for an air tank you'll a damn big one. I'd would just find either a mech driven air pump or a dc pump. Itd def be more compact.
You would need a decently large tank (in terms of portable) to pump up one 35" tire, much less 4 of them. Either go CO2 or get a compressor. And some A/C compressors can easily be converted to an air pump. Older Yorks are desirable because they had their own oil sump. Most other compressors use oil vapor in the refrigerant to lube the compressor, so you would need to add an oiler, and then a filter to get the oil back out after the compressor.
I chose co2 because I didnt want to fool with all the crap under the hood, portability, and price. Rox&Mud here can get you a good deal on tanks. I chose 15lb, because sometimes I go places like Portsmouth Island and "just incase".
I chose co2 because I didnt want to fool with all the crap under the hood, portability, and price. Rox&Mud here can get you a good deal on tanks. I chose 15lb, because sometimes I go places like Portsmouth Island and "just incase".


I got a great deal on a "used" 10# Powertank.