Alignment deal - tire kingdom


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2012
Not sure if it's against the rules to post about companies but I wanted to pass along a deal that has benefited me in my xj build. Discount tire has unlimited alignment packages I believe ranging different terms. I got a 3 year and with all the lift changes mods I've already had mine aligned 3-4 times. I know a lot of guys go the driveway alignment route but if you DD yours or want it safe it's been a nice option. They have no disclaimer about vehicle mods and have never given me a hassle even when I'm sporting brand new components.
FTR I'm not recommending them for any other particular service just thought the unlimited alignments was a good deal for certain applications.
I think so although they do have cheaper one year deals. If you wanted to do multiples that may be the cost effective solution. Also wouldn't hurt to ask.