Alright, fess up. Which one of you guys is in this video?


Mar 24, 2005
Stanley, NC
I volunteer my dirtbike and rope if anyone has a tree big enough!
And the bike has a for sale sign! LOL great selling point
Trying it. I wonder if a Bubba rope would work even better? More sling shot action.
..somebodies been watching too much Nitro Circus :bounce:.....I like the way he scrambles to get away from the swinging bike after he bails !
I am thinking of rigging the wrangler up for this. Should be a lot fun, like " Hey watch this " !!
Haha! Looks like fun.
While I'm Sure is was Fun & a Blast, 1 "IF" or "OPPS" Would have been a trip to the Hospital, or Grave! We've all done Stupid shit, & hopefully, later realized how Lucky we were!
My Boss was riding Slowly, on the back of a 4-wheeler, when he got thrown off. Ask him hows that Metal Rod, in his healing leg, feels?:shaking:
There was a day when I would have been all over this

I remember running winch cable across a creek and "zip lining with a snatch block. Found out quick...release earlier than you think you need to!
I have a yz85 for sale that would be perfect for this. More power, light, and has a clutch so it could roll backwards