Al's Liner Nightmare


New Member
Jan 24, 2008
A friend and I bought an Al's liner kit from 4wheelparts 2 days ago.
After spending almost an entire day taking everything out, meticulously sanding every surface, and masking everything off. We started to spray late last night. I followed the directions exactly... mixed it began to spray... We took our time, trying to get every surface well ad get around all our tape and bolts etc... It had probably been only 15 min since we mixed it and I started to realize a problem: the texture of the spray of changing considerably.
The once well mixed liner was starting to separate.... the C component (white stuff) was separating from the rest of the mixture which was making white watery spots all in the liner.
Second the stuff started to harden... It became almost the consistancy of peanut butter and after no more than 20 min wouldn't come out of the gun... It hardened everywhere. I read the entire instruction book twice and it NEVER mentioned this stuff hardening that fast. If I knew it would be useless in 20 min I would have sprayed faster.
So is this faulty liner or am I an idiot?? It stinks because we only finished 3/4 of the jeep tub before it wouldn't spray...
that stuff has a pot life date on it just like milk... check the date maybe it sat too long before you got it?
I can't speak to the expiration date stuff but the product is VERY humidity sensitive, the cure time is faster the more humid it is. The web site covers alot of that. You probable picked the worst time of year to spray, especially if going slow. 15min is a LOT for it to start to spray w/ the humidity. I put down 5 gals inside my van and only had one start to get thick because I was doodling. I just laid it on faster.

1) Get your stuff ready, prepared, make some dry practice/test runs, planning out your steps, motions, hoses, spray angles etc.
2) Mix - properly,
3) Immediately start spraying, you should be finished spraying at the 15min point.

That said I am very happy with how the product turned out in my van..
I did a small write up on here ~2 years back showing how I did it.
found it []
well looks like it was our fault then... wish they would put that info in the instructions they include in the box...should have looked online in hind sight...
while i can't say why the separation you speak of was happening, i do know that it does harden very quickly. when i used mine, i mixed 1/2 of it at a time, so that i didn't run into issues with the mixture setting up before i could use it. came out fine, nor did i have any separation problems. i did find that in a few areas it did come off of the base metal in a few curved areas. it seems that this stuff shrinks some after it is sprayed. i did follow all directions, scuffed it well and primed. overall it came out nice except for those few areas. it does seem to be one of the better DIY products out there, but still isn't close to a commercially applied liner.