Amazon Prime: Mountain Mafia

Looks like a top truck challenge type thing to me.Itll be good until they dumb it up w fabricated drama and a bunch of unrelated silliness.
Me and my son watch them. Like said above, it's multiple events, like TTC to test the rig and driver. Pretty good, so far no fake drama.
The commentary is pretty bland IMO but some of the rigs are nice. I through two events last night. Maybe some more later. They act like this is some huge event every year but I've never even heard of it.

Edit: I knew I recognized one rig but wasn't sure. Sure enough it was the Warthog but now it's named Foss Hog. He redid it and painted it green.
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Looks like a top truck challenge type thing to me.Itll be good until they dumb it up w fabricated drama and a bunch of unrelated silliness.

You leave wheeling trips involving myself and @McCracken out of this.
From what I have read, Mountain Havoc was started after TTC died. Very similar type event. Mountain Mafia is the film/media company that is recording/producing videos of this event. There are some videos on Youtube as well. Not sure how big it really is, but they have some nice rigs.
One of the guys on there, Sage, was a winner on Truck Night. He was big with Mountain Havoc before that and was a small part getting them their show. On YouTube he is the one doing the stick interviews.