AMC 259 HEI Ignition?


Active Member
Oct 19, 2008
Mccleansville, NC
Ignore the title I fat fingured a 9 instead of an 8 I have a AMC 258
As most of you have seen in my build thread I am putting back to gether a 79 CJ5 with a 258 in it. I finally got the body on this and I am working on getting wiring done so I can finally hear this thing run. (Never heard it run when I purchased it)
On to my question the the Motocraft ignition modual is shot so I have to get a new one but it is $35 dollors. I seen a alot of articles stating it is easy to convert to the HEI ignition. I found several brand new complete distributors on Ebay for around $65 shipped is this the route I should go or should I stick with the Ignition modual and just by two one for the Jeep and one for a spare. (Kind of answers it self):poop:
I have always like the GM HEI ignition over fords crap they had so I'm leaning towards the HEI I'm just looking for some opitions from people who have done this conversion to their jeep.
It's a whole lot easier to wire the hei system, one wire from the switch and one to the tack, if you want to run one. The one's I've put in and had good luck out of are from davis unified ignition (DUI). Sometimes you have to switch to wires from a 250 chevy to get the cap to work.
I am in the process of installing the HEI on my 360. It is a big debate on keeping the existing ignition and upgrade it to the TFI or go HEI. The HEI is just simpler and not as many wire connections. Plug in the hot wire to the ignition switch then it pretty much works. I got the cheapie unit off Ebay and I know it is not the highest quality but it is something to get me going right now. Hopefully tomorrow i can get the truck to finally fire up and run for me.
I got the cheapie unit off Ebay and I know it is not the highest quality but it is something to get me going right now. Hopefully tomorrow i can get the truck to finally fire up and run for me.

I did the same thing I ordered it from a Company in TN It was $65 complete with 50K coil and gold contacts on the cap and rotor. It also comes with a 3 year warranty so for that price even if I have a problem I can buy a back up and carry a spare.
I am not sure about he 258 but you will want to change the gear on the bottom and put the old one on the new distributer. There was problems with hardening. Not sure if it was remedied but i wouldnt want to go back into the motor if it grenades. Pay attention to the distributer when you put the old gear on. The new distributer housing had a little bit more material than the old one and i had to sand down the bottom just so much so that i could get the thrust washer on before the gear went on. At first when i had both on and put the pin in the distributer would not spin because it was so tight. It would spin if i didnt keep the washer. But the washer is needed.
The company Im ordering this from told me it is a drop in and the Gear is the right one on it I'll will check it though. Thanks for the info
I have done the hei conversion on both inline 6's and v8's. Only problem I had was on the v8s when I mixed and gears. The cam gear and dist. gear should be matched like a ring and pinion set. I just ordered match sets from crown and would install the gears together and didnt have any problems.