An open letter to the world..... or just mindless b!tching


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
Lexington, NC
So, looking at the news of late has me really irritated. Well, ticked off. Chapped. Infuriated.

Anyway. Here's my take:

We don't need a protest by neo-Nazis, white supremacists, black supremacists, green supremacists, dog lovers, cat lovers, Yugo Off-Road Performance Enthusiasts, or Pokémon aficionados to show their importance to the world. We get it. You feel that ______________ (Fill in your ethnic group here) has been shafted by years, decades or centuries of being held down by "the man" (insert who you feel "the man" is here). We also don't need a COUNTER protest to protest the protest that we didn't need in the first place.

Because no matter HOW good your protest is, you will not convince the people attending the counter protest that your protest is "right" and they should just go home. That said, lets all save the gas and protest at home. Dump some tea in the local harbor if you feel like having a traditional protest. Obviously THAT original protest managed to get a response. Just don't dump my sweet tea. Then I'll protest. Nobody wants that.

Now, all that being said, if there IS a protest, don't block the road. People get all sorts of freaked out if they can't get to the Bojangles down the road, and will run your ass over. All kidding aside, seriously do NOT RUN PEOPLE OVER. I don't care what their view is or what your view is. Vehicular homicide is vehicular homicide.

This brings me to reactions. The reactions of a politician to events like the UVA drive-thru terror protest needed to wait until he got the facts straight. At that point, the news was reporting a first person account of the incident who described a "Silver Mustang Sedan". Only 1/3 of his information was correct. It was silver, but it wasn't even a ford product and a Mustang (nor the Challenger that was used) is NOT a sedan.
President Trump owed it to the victim to get it right. Agree with him or hate him, you at least need to agree that he needs to slow down his reactions until he gets the facts straight. Then everyone is upset that he reacted too late and not harsh enough.

Which now leads me to the reactions of some heads of corporations who are on a Presidental committee to increase commerce. They are dropping out of this committee in protest of how he reacted (or more to the point didn't react) to the act of terrorism. So how did these bozos get to be the head of their respective corporations by just quitting when someone has an opposing viewpoint or paradigm? How do they think they will affect policy by quitting? And at what point do the two have ANYTHING to do with each other? They are there to advise on commerce, not bigotry. Stick to your job, do it well and lead BY EXAMPLE. Show the world that your corporation does not stand for bigotry by demonstrating that you will fight it, not shy away when something comes up. Trust me, Trump will fire you if he feels you are an opposing mindset, and that looks a LOT better that you were fired for your contrary beliefs (as long as they are righteous beliefs).

In case you are wondering, I don't fit the mold of any preconceived notions about my based on demographics. I'm originally from the North, so by assumption, I should hate the Confederacy and should be supporting the toppling of statues like what was just brought down in Durham. I am NOT happy about it at all. Like it or not, it IS history for better or worse. You can't just erase history by destroying monuments. Good or bad, it made us the country we are today. Destroying a monument is still vandalism of government property even if the current Governor doesn't like it. It was paid for with tax dollars and has been maintained with tax dollars. Tax dollars that have come out of my paycheck. If I go to the Davidson County Courthouse Museum and hook a tow rope to a pillar and yank it down because it's "Roman" style architecture and the ancient Romans were bad people that hung people on crosses, they would lock me up and throw away the key. As they should. It's vandalism plain and simple. In the case of the Durham soldier monument, it was exacerbated by a mob mentality spurred on by hate. Fits the bill of a hate crime, but they will probably just get a slap on the wrist and maybe even a gubernatorial pardon/thank you.
Some good veiw points and feelings expressed here.
As a strong supporter of the Constitution and especially the first amendment rights implied, @ManglerYJ is spot on.
Preach on Sir!
The libertarian anarchist in me is strong on this issue.
Which now leads me to the reactions of some heads of corporations who are on a Presidental committee to increase commerce. They are dropping out of this committee in protest of how he reacted (or more to the point didn't react) to the act of terrorism. So how did these bozos get to be the head of their respective corporations by just quitting when someone has an opposing viewpoint or paradigm? How do they think they will affect policy by quitting? And at what point do the two have ANYTHING to do with each other? They are there to advise on commerce, not bigotry. Stick to your job, do it well and lead BY EXAMPLE. Show the world that your corporation does not stand for bigotry by demonstrating that you will fight it, not shy away when something comes up. Trust me, Trump will fire you if he feels you are an opposing mindset, and that looks a LOT better that you were fired for your contrary beliefs (as long as they are righteous beliefs).

I'll just say this, in response to this point, as food for thought.
The CEOs on the Tech council are in a funny spot. Several have said quite flatly, they want nothing to do with politics and to be there solely for the sake of the country's economy and manufacturing.
But the problem is that they are there on an appointed panel to the President. Unfortunately many people equate their participation in such a panel - which is headed by (and though really, to serve) the President - as being de facto complacent with him and part and parcel with his actions and policy and essentially serving as part of "his" staff. Most intelligent people are able to separate these and say, no, these guys are just there for non-political purposes, but sadly that's not the case for many Americans.
So when the President does something with which they disagree - and more importantly for them, they fear does not represent the values of their company - they have no choice but to speak out against it. Or bail on the position, given that they feel that speaking out against him would only be dragging themselves into the politics which they want to avoid... quitting outright avoids the politics.

Basically I se it as a move to try and keep their companies out of it.

Now, one has to ask the question - can I be a better force for the world by sticking it out in this uncomfortable position, but possibly have a chance to have a positive influence on the direction of national policy... or by staying out of the fray and putting my time into other endeavors?
That is not an easy question to answer, and is why CEOs make a lot of money. From what I've read thus far though... there is little evidence this council will actually have any influence at all (they have yet to even meet w/ the Pres...)
Agreed, a crime is a crime. By the reasoning of the idiots that destroyed that monument we will need to tear down 95% of our monuments. All of our founding fathers and those who built this country either owned slaves of helped try to eradicate the natives that were here before them.

People ignore the fact that Lee was more than just a general for the Confederacy, he was also a hero from the Mexican American war.
I for one think we should go ahead and tear down all the confederate monuments. I mean that will stop all racism like the next day right? awesome great grand WONDERFUL!
Me being of Irish descent, I hereby declare war on Columbia SC because in the early 1800s Irish people were brought in as slaves to build a huge portion of Columbia. Over 50% of us died from heat and disease and the most we got out of it was to name a neighborhood "Little Dublin" where we all lived. It sucked.

However, it happened. We built a city, made history, and lived to fight for the CSA. And if any piece of crap ninny dare to threaten this history, we will f****n hurt you.
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Imagine what I'm gonna have to go through to remove an ever present reminder of hatred and violence.
You know how them Duke boys were...
Guess I'll need to either have this removed off my shoulder or have it covered up into a nice snowflake pattern.
The CEOs on the Tech council ...

I understand that council has never met! Hmmmmm...

My $0.02...

I understand why they want to take down the monuments, (I'm not agreeing with it...for all the knee-jerk crowd!).

Those monuments were erected to honor great men who performed great services to their Countrymen. It doesn't matter if you agree or disagree with succession. They were great men. However, too often they have become nothing more than rallying points for the "Alt Right", or, for protests for the "Left". These monuments were never meant to be such icons. So... much like the rest of our rights in the Country... , Big Brother feels it must take our things away because we cant behave responsibly. Sadly, they may be right in this respect. As a Society, maybe we can't "behave" anymore. What this guy did in his car points this up, (the "I don't agree with you so I am going to hurt you", mentality.). Did he help his cause? Nope. He only vilified them. And just like any act such as this, it just serves to help set our society back 1000 years.
I understand that council has never met! Hmmmmm...

My $0.02...

I understand why they want to take down the monuments, (I'm not agreeing with it...for all the knee-jerk crowd!).

Those monuments were erected to honor great men who performed great services to their Countrymen. It doesn't matter if you agree or disagree with succession. They were great men. However, too often they have become nothing more than rallying points for the "Alt Right", or, for protests for the "Left". These monuments were never meant to be such icons. So... much like the rest of our rights in the Country... , Big Brother feels it must take our things away because we cant behave responsibly. Sadly, they may be right in this respect. As a Society, maybe we can't "behave" anymore. What this guy did in his car points this up, (the "I don't agree with you so I am going to hurt you", mentality.). Did he help his cause? Nope. He only vilified them. And just like any act such as this, it just serves to help set our society back 1000 years.

And this is why we can't have nice things......

Problem is that a statue is just that...... a statue. In and of itself, it is just a molded piece of metal, a carved stone, a wooden plaque or whatever it's made of. It itself has no heart, no desire for ill will, no spirit in which it can conjur up emotions in people. It is in the subjective eye of the beholder what it is. To some, it's just a statue of some kid who died in a war that he didn't even know what he was fighting for, only that "his country men needed him". To others, he represents a million slave traders carrying their anscestors over on ships to work in fields. To others, it's just a snapshot of history, chiseled out of stone and molten metal. To borrow the old Hank Williams song (I believe it was Hank Williams - correct me if I'm wrong),

"One man's hawk is another man's dove, one man's hug is another man's shove
One man's rock is another man's sand, one man's fist is another man's hand
One man's tool is another man's toy, one man grief is another man's joy
One man's squawk is another man's sing, one man's crutch is another man's wing
One man's pride is another man's humble, one man's step is another man's stumble
One man's pleasure is another man's pain, one man's loss is another man's gain
One man's can is another man's grail, one man's curse is another man's sail
One man's right is another man's wrong, one man's curse is another man's song"
When do the Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln monuments come down?
Already been some graffiti on Lincoln this week I believe.

I find it ironic that the majority of NC4x4 members successfully protect their belongings with $30 Walmart deer cameras, but yet some of our largest national treasures can get graffiti tagged and nobody knows who or how.