...and get off my lawn!


You look like a monkey and smell like one too
May 18, 2005
Churchville, MD
Hes from a time when men stood up and done what was needed. Gota respect that. Could use more of it this day and time.
On a related note though. What are the chances of the guy on the roof pressing assault charges on the 83 year old guy. I wouldn't be surprised if he does and wins.
On a related note though. What are the chances of the guy on the roof pressing assault charges on the 83 year old guy. I wouldn't be surprised if he does and wins.

If the dude went onto someone else's roof to push him off, that would be one thing. Seeing as how it was HIS roof, that's trespassing. But..... in this sue happy, "It's not my fault, society made me this way" culture we live in, who knows.....