Android tablets - advice?

xoom gets pretty spotty reviews from most tech sites but i havent ever played with one to find out. Galaxy Tabs are great but have no external ports so you are stuck buying aftermarket everyhitng to do anything with it.

The Asus Transformer can be had for 300ish and has micro hdmi mircro sd, usb and a glass screen that cant be scratched.

The docking station that turns it into a netbook for 150 extra also run battery life out to 30+ hours and add two full size usb ports, a full size sd card slot and a fully functioning keyboard and mouse pad.
xoom gets pretty spotty reviews from most tech sites but i havent ever played with one to find out. Galaxy Tabs are great but have no external ports so you are stuck buying aftermarket everyhitng to do anything with it.

The Asus Transformer can be had for 300ish and has micro hdmi mircro sd, usb and a glass screen that cant be scratched.

The docking station that turns it into a netbook for 150 extra also run battery life out to 30+ hours and add two full size usb ports, a full size sd card slot and a fully functioning keyboard and mouse pad.

You covered all my points. I am in the market for a tablet as well and there are soooo many to chose from. But what you have to look at is functionality. What do you want it to do? Im staying away from Apple cause I use PC and I hate Itunes and how Apple only likes to work with their market..

Asus so far had everything I was looking for. Big display, it Droid platform, it didnt glitch when scrolling screens, memory card/usb, and most importantly, HDMI. I want my tablet to hook up to a bigger screen!